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8020 Engineering Limited

UpFront Engineering Simulation

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...A division of

UpFront Engineering Simulation

Initially focused on the needs of the UpFront CFD community, UpFront Engineering Simulation was formed in Oct 2007, as a consultancy services business. Now operating as a division of 80/20 Engineering Ltd, we provide a range of ‘UpFront’ simulation solutions and services specifically for the mechanical design process.

The Value ‘UpFront Engineering Simulation’ delivers:

Designers need to evaluate many concepts quickly and easily so need a fast alternative to traditional physical testing…

   »   UpFront CFD/CAE Tools for Design

The design process may often need access to ‘UpFront’ Simulation resources and infrastructure to provide rapid insights into product performance...

   »   Simulation Consultancy for Design

A long history in the use of Engineering Simulation for Design, has given us a wealth of experience in the application of CFD/CAE to an extremely wide range of fluid flow and heat transfer design issues.

UpFront Engineering Simulation offers a range of solutions focused on the implementation of Autodesk®’s CFD® (Formerly CFdesign), Nastran (ADSK/NEi/NX), CFturbo®, Discovery SpaceClaim®, Discovery Live® and the Simerics-MP® software as well as design based consultancy services.

Flow Vectors Around LED Lamp Fitting Designs Biomedical - Vertebral Screw Model

The ‘Discovery’ Family of Products