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Nastran Training - Customized Classes

The objective of these classes is to provide the student with the skills to be able to interpret the engineering problem, identify the required analysis process clearly, and use Nastran FEA Software tools to carry it out and finally to critically review the results.

These classes are presented in an informal way with the emphasis towards maximizing the hands on experience for the student. Many sample model set up, analysis and results processing examples are presented live by the tutor for the class to learn from discuss and investigate.

In addition, examples are provided for the students to practice and gain confidence in the methods. These are increasingly challenging as the class proceeds. Many students work with the tutor to create sample analyses that are relevant to their particular industry segment or working practice. This is highly encouraged, as is bringing example problems to class:

Introduction to Nastran FEA Simulation

Composites Analysis

Dynamic Analysis

Fatigue Analysis

Heat Transfer Analysis

Nonlinear Analysis

Shock and Vibration/DDAM Analysis

Distance Learning

Our Nastran Software's distance learning program FEA On-the-Go combines a series of online sessions that demonstrate the software with off-line exercises that reinforce new skills. There is no need or requirement for participants to leave the office. Technical support instructors can be contacted at any time for help when questions arise.

All public courses are held at our offices in High Wycombe. Courses run from 0930 to 1700 each day.  For details of prices, availability and nearby accommodation please contact us.

Automotive Finite Element Analysis Aerospace Cessna Citation Mustang Soar Observatory - Chile