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The Next Generation of Nastran
NEi Nastran is a powerful, general purpose Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tool with an integrated graphical user interface and model Editor which is used to analyze linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer characteristics of structures and mechanical components. It represents the latest in FEA technology with some of the fastest solvers on the market along with accurate solutions that have been trusted for nearly 20 years by companies in all industries. NEi Nastran is available on a wide variety of platforms including 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux operating systems.
NEi Nastran comes in five modules:
Linear Static and Steady-State Heat Transfer
Normal Modes, Buckling, and Prestress
Advanced Dynamics
Nonlinear Analysis
Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer
NEi Nastran uses the latest in solver technology providing fast results for the largest and most complex FEA models. Four linear solvers (PCGLSS, VSS, VIS, and PSS) and two eigensolvers (LANCZOS and SUBSPACE) are included. The PCGLSS (Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver) is an advanced iterative solver used in leading FEA products. The VSS (Vector Sparse Solver) and VIS (Vector Iterative Solver) are based on NASA developed technology and have been enhanced to provide better performance and accuracy. The PSS (Parallel Sparse Solver) is an extremely fast parallel direct solver designed for x64 operating systems where large amounts of memory can be directly accessed.
The Editor is an industry unique tool that gives engineers greater control over their Nastran FEA models and results. Features such as advanced editing, context-sensitive input, and dynamic help greatly increase productivity and results reliability from the start. Built-in tools such as the trade study generator and parameter optimization give users quick insight into the effects of design changes. Real-time results are displayed through an integrated results processor allowing users to visualize results as they are generated during the solution sequence. These features combined make the NEi Editor an indispensable tool for designers and analysts alike.
During the summer of 2014 Autodesk® completed the acquisition of NEi Nastran so please check-out ADSK Nastran
"I am experienced with several FEA software packages, and have found NEi Nastran to be the most useful in many respects. The pre-processor is intuitive, and even my first model did not require extensive reference to the documentation. The analytic engine was fast, and the results have shown good agreement with our test data."
Badri Hiriyur
R&D Engineer
Dietrich Design Group